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The path to a free next gen Founder’s Series Tesla Roadster

You can become a future owner of a next generation Founder’s Series Tesla Roadster for free by using your referral code. Get in for the details of the deal.

Jul 13, 2017 | by Iqtidar Ali

Tesla is not a traditional car company, it’s rather straight from the world of futuristic video games and ‘the internet’.

Never before have we seen concepts such Easter Eggs (video games) and a public Referral Program (affiliate programs from the internet) in the auto industry until Elon Musk creatively imported them for Tesla customers to enjoy and benefit.

This Monday, Tesla unlocked a referral program level that is beyond anything they offered before, a next generation Tesla Roadster and that also a Founder’s Series one.

Tesla owners such as Like Tesla received a new notification in their Tesla Mobile App’s Loot Box (screen-shots below) that they have unlocked a ‘Secret Level’ which leads them to the path of getting a next gen Founder’s Series Tesla Roadster.

The least offer in the referral program is a 10% discount on the base price of the next Roadster by winning only five qualifying referrals. Each additional referral sheds 2% on the base price until you reach the 100% threshold that unlocks this futuristic electric sports super car totally free.

Update: This Tesla referral program has been discontinued, you can still win a next-gen Tesla Roadster through the 2019 refreshed referral program.

App Screen-shots provided by Like Tesla and used with permission. Their referral link:
Included details text below from the email for ease of reading.

You’ve unlocked teh first secret level. Share your referral code to give 4 more of your friends free unlimited Supercharging and $1,000 off a new Model S or Model X. Once all 5 take delivery, we’ll give you the ability to purchase a Founder’s Series next gen Roadster at a 10% discount off the base price. Unlock new levels with every 5 referrals for an additional 2% off per referral and amazing adventures that money can’t buy. Get to 100% for a free Founder’s Series next gen Roadster. Further details on our next gen Roadster will be announced at a future date.

The interesting thing is that the next generation Tesla Roadster will be a Convertible according to Elon Musk and recently BMW has announced their 2018 i8 Roadster Convertible, I leave the rest to your imagination.

Another thing to remember is that a ‘Founder’s Series’ vehicle in Tesla dictionary is a ‘Top of the line, fully loaded’ car with normally an exclusive color like a ‘Signature Red’, therefore this loot is a real value that is sure to accelerate Tesla sales in the coming months as owners try furiously to get their dream electric sports car.

The next generation Tesla Roadster might also become the world’s fastest production car that goes 0-60 under 2.0 seconds, as Elon Musk earlier tweeted about this possibility:

This would only take the crown off Tesla Model S that has the power to go 0 – 60 mph in just 2.5 seconds, the fastest production car and that a family sedan.

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