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Tesla Model 3 vs. Tesla Model X HVAC efficiency/energy consumption test

Which car’s Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system is the most efficient, Tesla Model 3 or Tesla Model X? Side-by-side testing video and results.

   Author Photo: Iqtidar Aliby Iqtidar Ali | @IqtidarAlii

Which of the two of a Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model X have the more efficient or less energy consuming Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system? The answer lies in the side-by-side testing of both vehicles in a video by Bjørn Nyland.

Bjørn took both of his Tesla Model X (Optimus Prime) and the Tesla Model 3 Performance (MC Hammer) for an HVAC efficiency test in the open, both vehicles were put in the same weather conditions and the testing started simultaneously.

Both the Model X and Model 3 used in this testing experiment were set to the ‘Keep Climate On’ option for 10 hours straight, spanning from midnight to 10:00 AM in the morning, the internal temperature of both vehicles was set to 21℃ (~70℉) for the course of the testing period (see side-by-side screen-grabs below).

Before the test started, the Tesla Model X had 236 km (146 miles) and the Model 3 had 334 km (207 miles) of range left in the batteries, the energy consumption on both cars was 210 wh/km and 150 wh/km respectively.

When both vehicles were checked after 10 hours of continuous usage of the HVAC system to maintain the 21℃ (~70℉) temperature inside the vehicles, the Tesla Model X lost only 49 km of range while the Model 3 lost 99 km of range.

The Math done by Bjørn suggests that the Model X used 10 kWh/1kW of energy while the Model 3 consumed 15 kWh/1.5 kW of power, hence it is proved that the Tesla Model X is the winner of this comparison test, besides using the older 18650 cells and chemistry for the batteries, the Model X is still more efficient than the Model 3.

What do you think, why is the Model 3 HVAC system is less efficient? Let us know in the comments section below.

Video: Comparison testing of the HVAC system of  Tesla Model 3 vs. Tesla Model X

Tesla Model 3 Interior Vinyl Kit

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