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A cheaper Tesla Model 3 is launched with a reasonable range – Compare all variants

Tesla launches a new Tesla Model 3 Mid Range which is a cheaper option that might enable you in getting one under $40,000 after tax rebate. Compare available variants.

Oct 19, 2018 | by Iqtidar Ali

Tesla surprised the whole world by launching a new ‘Mid-Range’ Tesla Model 3 that is currently only available with the Rear-Wheel Drive option in North America.

The Mid Range Model 3 has an estimated EPA range of 260 miles (~418 kms) with a purchase price of $45,000 (CAD 58,800) before Federal and State incentives.

This move comes at a time when Tesla is about to reach the 200,000 units production threshold that will phase-out the full EV federal tax credit ($7500) for it’s customers.

Releasing a cheaper version of Model 3 might just enable potential customers waiting for the base $35,000 Model 3 to just place an order now and get the full benefit of the tax credit.

For California residents the Tesla Model 3 Mid Range will cost $35,000 after federal and state tax rebate ($7500 + $25000) — however the $45,000 purchase price does not include ‘Enhanced Autopilot’ option, which most customers will want to offer.

Tesla Model 3 Mid Range – Final Purchase Price with Enhanced Autopilot

However with the ‘Enhanced Autopilot’ the price before tax credits suddenly jumps to $50,000 which certainly is not a ‘mass market’ electric vehicle price.

Seems like Tesla was able to cut down the cost of the battery pack by reducing the actual battery capacity (less number of cells) instead of offering the long range battery pack with a software locked mid-range.

The online Tesla Design Studio now offers only three variants of the Model 3 i.e. Dual-Motor Performance, Dual-Motor AWD and Mid-Range Rear-Wheel Drive.

In addition to reasonably decreased range the new Model 3 Mid Range has lower numbers for 0-60 mph (5.6s) and a lowered top-speed of 125 mph (comparison table below).

With a price decrease and a chance to avail full federal EV tax credit, the Mid Range Model 3 might have hit the sweet spot between affordability and more than enough range for a daily commute.

Although the Model 3 Mid Range is a single-motor Rear Wheel Drive (RWD), it’s not going to disappoint you in the upcoming winter season as described by Elon Musk on Twitter

Tesla rear wheel drive cars do actually work well on snow & ice. We did our traction testing on an ice lake! Dual motor AWD is great, but not required for cold weather. Just don’t use sport/summer tires.

Yesterday we also published some pro-tips on how you can get the most out of your Tesla or any electric-vehicle in the cold weather and stay out of trouble as much as possible.

Tesla Model 3 Available Variants Comparison

* Mobile phone users might want to drag the table left and right to view hidden columns — rotating device to horizontal would also enhance the view of data.

  Model 3 Performance Model 3 Dual Motor Model 3 Mid Range
Acceleration (0-60 mph) 3.3s 4.5s 5.6s
Range 310 miles 310 miles 260 miles
Top Speed 155 mph 145 mph 125 mph
Interior Options Black and White (+$1000) / All Black Black and White (+$1000) / All Black Black and White (+$1000) / All Black
Upgrades 20″ Performance Wheels
Lowered Suspension
Performance Brakes
Carbon Fiber Spoiler
Performance Pedals
19″ Sport Wheels 19″ Sport Wheels

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