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Tesla’s new climate option, the ‘Party Mode’ is detected and coming soon

Last year Tesla CEO Elon Musk teased a new special climate option for party animals and campers, which is now detected by a Tesla hacker as ‘Party Mode’.

It has almost been a year since Tesla CEO Elon Musk teased a new Keep Climate On feature specially designed for party animals and campers — now a Tesla hacker who goes by the name of ‘green’ just released a screenshot showing the new ‘Party Mode’ button added to the climate options.

The Party Mode feature has been delayed due to obvious other priorities at Tesla, earlier this year Elon Musk said they had to hold on releasing Party Mode due to prioritizing the Sentry Mode feature.

Elon Musk described the feature in the following words in a tweet:

We’re adding a “party & camper mode” soon to S/3/X, so your car can maintain air flow, temp, selective lights, music & power devices for 48 hours or more while parked. Big batteries rock…

Bjørn Nyland tested the ‘Keep Climate On’ option in extreme winter temperatures of -15°C/5°F and was able to sleep inside his Tesla Model X for 6 hours straight and his further energy consumption analysis showed the car can maintain the climate inside up to 24 hours.

However, the ‘Keep Climate On’ option turns off the car and most of its functions except for the heating or cooling functionality but in ‘Party Mode’ it seems like while the car is parked the center touchscreen and ambient lighting will keep working for the party animals or campers.

According to Elon Musk’s statement above, the power outlets/USB ports will also keep working until the Party Mode is On, like the Dog Mode climate feature the Party will roll on until the battery reaches a min threshold of 20%.

The famous Tesla hacker ‘green’ found this option during his usual play with the Tesla software and hardware, he had earlier become known in the Tesla community for recording the Tesla Autopilot Vision on the screen and posting it to online, he tweeted about the Party Mode discovery just hours ago.

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