News Tesla

Tesla further enhances the ‘PIN to Drive’ security feature in 2018.48.1 update

Tesla’s latest software update (2018.48.1) further strengthens the ‘PIN to Drive’ feature for Tesla vehicle security against unauthorized access or theft, see it in action and read more.

    Author Photo: Iqtidar Aliby Iqtidar Ali | @IqtidarAlii

Tesla’s latest V9 software update (2018.48.1) further enhances the ‘PIN to Drive’ feature for Tesla vehicle security against unauthorized access or theft — if enabled this feature requires a 4-digit PIN code to before driving the car.

Since entering the PIN code requires the driver to tap digits on the digital num-pad on the center screen of a Tesla vehicle, the fingerprints would have helped the high-tech thieves in identifying the previous code entered — now whenever the ‘PIN to Drive’ dialog box opens on the center screen, it changes its position (video demo below).

The need for this feature aroused in the wake of increasing Tesla vehicle theft, especially in Europe and the UK, where thieves were able to amplify key fob signals with a tablet-like device, fooling the vehicle in thinking the key fob is near and the car unlocks itself.

Related: Simple way of protecting your Tesla/luxury vehicle against key fob relay attacks

Following original release notes mention the method of enabling the ‘PIN to Drive’ feature on your Tesla:

To increase security, a new setting has been added that allows you to prevent your vehicle from being driven until a 4-digit PIN has been entered. To enable this setting, tap Controls > Safety & Security > PIN to Drive on the touchscreen then create your PIN. Note that the same PIN must be entered in order to drive the vehicle or change the setting.

Let’s look at how the new enhancement to the existing feature helps in further strengthening the security of your car in the video by our friend Steven Peeters who recorded this update in his ‘Tesla Model S P100D‘.

Tesla software update 2018.48.1 also includes an update to the Tesla Mobile App which enables the owner to view nearby charging locations on his mobile as well, previously the charging locations were only available on the vehicle’s center screen map. Tesla states the following in the official release notes on the Mobile App upgrade:

This release enables you to view nearby charging options in the Charging screen of the mobile app. You can tap a location to start vehicle navigation

Note: Requires mobile app version 3.7.0 or greater.

Looks like Tesla is currently leading the car industry on the software side, and the edge they have is with a big margin. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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