News Tesla

We present to you the ‘Red Tesla Semi Truck’ [HD Photos]

After the Silver & Black, a Red Tesla Semi Truck is at large, photographed at the Kettleman City Supercharger station while filling up the battery pack.

    Author Photo: Iqtidar Aliby Iqtidar Ali | @IqtidarAlii

After the Silver & Black, a Red Tesla Semi Truck is at large, photographed at the Kettleman City Supercharger station while filling up the battery pack. No doubt ‘Red’ color has a profound effect on the senses, it ignites the feelings we usually call ‘love’.

Most of us will not be driving a Tesla Semi Truck ever but as enthusiastic members of the EV revolution, this is something great to look at — pushing the ‘mission’ to the next level.

Earlier this month the long-enough hidden Black Tesla Semi prototype reappeared at the same Supercharger and now it seems Tesla has re-painted it ‘Matte Red’ which does not look bad from any angle (HD Photos below).

According to Tim Alguire (@AlguireTim) the Red Tesla Semi Truck was charging from 4 supercharger stalls at once but the Tesla staff did not allow him to photograph the device/adapter they were using to charge the Tesla Semi battery pack.

Tim was kind enough to permit us for the use of the pictures and provided 2 more photos on our request.

Click/Tap pictures to zoom-in/download. Photo Credits: Tim Alguire

Another set of awesome pictures taken by Derek Rasina show more details of the Matte Red Tesla Semi Truck (below), take a closer look (posted with express permission).

Click/Tap pictures to zoom-in/download. Photo Credits: Derek Rasina

Reason for thinking this is a re-painted version of the Black Tesla Semi-truck is that this truck has the same number plate (XP24262) as the black prototype and also the USDOT number as well — the Silver Prototype has the XP24261 number-plate.

The main difference in looks in both prototypes is that the Silver one has a large curved portion over the cabin and the black and red Tesla Semi Trucks have this part missing — although this top section looks like an ‘aerodynamic’ design element, we think otherwise, topic saved for another time.

Tesla Semi Truck has gathered more than 600 pre-orders and garnered the attention from small businesses to corporate giants like UPS, FedEx, PepsiCo, Budweiser, Beeah and more.

Tesla plans to bring out these beasts in 2020 which promise an all-electric range from 300 – 600 miles per charge (staying within the laws of Physics) with a 0-60 mph in just 20 seconds while hauling an 80k lbs load.

Let us know what do you feel after seeing the ‘Red Tesla Semi Truck’ in the comments section below.


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