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Tesla Sentry Mode gets new options with 2019.16.2 update and voice command activation

Now you can enable Tesla Sentry Mode with easy interface access to the feature and even activate it using voice command ‘keep summer safe’, info and video.

Tesla is making continuous improvements to the unique safety and security feature called the ‘Sentry Mode‘, the latest Tesla software update 2019.16.2 brings some new options and a voice-command to that activates the Sentry Mode.

First of all, Tesla has made it easy to access Sentry Mode by placing an icon on the top-right of the screen that toggles the feature ON and OFF (see animated gif below) — more interestingly Tesla owners can now press the voice command button on the steering wheel and say ‘keep summer safe‘ and Sentry Mode will be active.

Before the latest 2019.16.2 update, Tesla owners and drivers had to go through multiple steps to activate and de-activate Sentry Mode, now it’s easy with a single tap on the center touchscreen or through voice command.

Activating the Sentry Mode feature through the voice command is very convenient but apparently, Tesla has not issued any instructions on how a driver can turn the feature OFF using the voice command.

2019.16.2 Sentry Mode Release Notes:

It’s now easier to enable or disable Sentry Mode by tapping the Sentry Mode icon at the top of your touchscreen when your car is in Park.

Your car can also default Sentry Mode to always be enabled when your vehicles is parked by going to Controls > Safety & Security > Sentry Mode > ON.

If selected ON, you can exclude Home, Work and/or your Favorite places by selecting the checkboxes. If a location is selected, Sentry Mode will be disabled when your car is parked near those locations. (Read full 2019.16 Release Notes)

Now Tesla owners can exclude Home, Work and their Favorite locations where Sentry Mode will be disabled by default, but there is always security threat present at any location especially with Teslas as they are more prone to vandalism and burglary being a premium brand.

Sentry Mode has been a successful experiment by Tesla as it has been catching vandals and even window break-in and theft events around the world and the Police has substantial proof in the form of clear pictures of the offenders or the license plates captured by the cameras.

Tesla Sentry Mode currently utilizes the main front camera and two side repeater cameras to record the footage, repeater cam footage is especially coming handy in recording keying attempts on Tesla vehicles.

Let’s watch how ‘Keep Summer Safe’ Sentry Mode voice command works in the following video.

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