Fun Stuff News Tesla

First look at upcoming Tesla games on a Model 3 from E3 2019

Elon Musk presents some of the upcoming games to Tesla vehicles like Cuphead and Beach Buggy 2 at the E3 2019, demos shown on a Tesla Model 3.

   Author Photo: Iqtidar Aliby Iqtidar Ali | @IqtidarAlii

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2019 is ending today at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Elon Musk was invited for an interview along with the legendary game designer Todd Howard (video below) — Elon Musk presented the upcoming games at the event during his interview.

The demos of the new Tesla games shown at the E3 2019 include Cuphead and Beach Buggy 2 (Tesla Edition) — these demos were played on a Tesla Model 3 center touchscreen. The Beach Buggy 2 game is shown played using the car’s steering wheel while Cuphead is being played using a USB controller.

While Cuphead looks awesome on Tesla Model 3s 15″ center touchscreen, Beach Buggy 2 also looks great, on the demo we can see in the videos below, the game can be played with a rendered Tesla Model 3, according to Elon Musk two players can play the game at the same time.

Thanks to ‘Tesla Owners Online’ YouTube Channel for extracting the gameplay demos from the long Elon Musk E3 2019 interview and putting them in a short video for the impatient ones, let’s watch.

Video: Upcoming Tesla game demos on a Tesla Model 3

The video demo of Cuphead shows the player using an Xbox controller to play the game, the in-car games in a Tesla are also playable using a Playstation and PC game controller (read guide here). Due to the storage limitations of the Tesla Media Control Unit (MCU), only one section fo the Cuphead will be included in Tesla Model 3, S, and X, Elon Musk earlier mentioned in a podcast interview with Ryan McCaffrey.

A racing game was much needed since the previous Atari game ‘Pole Position’ was removed from Tesla vehicles due to licensing issues, now another cool racing game is on its way. Last month Elon Musk also announced that more games will be coming in the near future in a tweet:

Video: Elon Musk interview at E3 2019

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