News Tesla

‘Chill Mode’ comes to Tesla Model 3 with the latest software update

Latest over-the-air update (2018.14.1) for Tesla Model 3 adds ‘Chill Mode’ to acceleration options which offers are smoother more gentler driving experience.

  Author Photo: Iqtidar Ali  by Iqtidar Ali | @IqtidarAlii

Someone asked Elon Musk for it a few days ago on Twitter, but seems like it was already in the works — ‘Chill Mode’ is officially here for Tesla Model 3 owners with the 2018.14.1 over-the-air software update.

‘Chill Mode’ adds a less aggressive acceleration mode than the standard mode which makes a lot of sense in the urban stop-and-go traffic. Tesla’s ‘chill mode’ doesn’t seem to be the same as the ‘Eco Mode’ that some other manufacturers offer for fuel/range savings.

The reason it being not equal to ‘Eco Mode’ is that many Tesla Model S and X drivers using it for some time don’t report a significant increase in range but it offers a ‘smoother gentler’ driving experience as Tesla calls it in the release notes (screen-shot and text release notes below).

We included a test video below of the ‘Chill Mode’ performed by famous Tesla/EV evangelist ‘Bjørn Nyland’ on his Tesla Model X P90DL to get an idea of how it actually affects the driving experience.

Tesla Model 3 Chill Mode release notes – shared by ‘u/geniuzdesign’ from Tesla Subreddit.

Tesla Model 3 Chill Mode Release Notes

Chile: a new acceleration option
You can now select Chill as an acceleration option in your vehicle. This option makes acceleration more gradual — ideal for smoother driving and a gentler ride for your passengers.

To use the Chill option, tap the Controls icon on the bottom left corner of the touchscreen, tap Driving, and then in Acceleration, choose CHILL

Tesla Model 3 Chill Mode Test Video

Source: Tesla Subreddit

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