
How To Unlock Tesla Model X Merry Christmas Easter Egg And Video Demos

Unlock the cool Tesla Christmas Easter Egg on your Model X and make her dance on the “Wizards in Winter” tune.

Tesla & Elon Musk have their own way of saying Merry Christmas to their customers & fans. The Model X is equipped with an X-Mas Easter Egg that makes the car literally dance on the “Wizards in Winter” by Trans-Siberian Orchestra tune.

This Easter Egg was also there in 2015 as we have posted a video of it below from last year. Actually the last year’s video has better sound and 3 Model X dance on the tune in sync.

you can unlock your Model X holiday Easter Egg by the following method posted by Elon Musk on Twitter yesterday.

To activate the Model X holiday performance, just type holidays or ModelXmas after pressing the logo.

Elon Musk also suggests that: “Make sure your car is connected to wifi for the update. Will update over its cell connection too, but takes much longer.”

Merry Christmas From X Auto To All Readers, Friends & Tesla Enthusiasts ! Enjoy the videos below if you not happen to own a Model X !

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